Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's Only Been Three Days...

My flight Friday night was delayed almost two hours, to the point that the airline booked me on another airline out of Dallas, since I was going to miss my connection there. So after flying all night, (or so it seemed, we left Sacramento around 2AM), I ended up running around the Dallas/Fort Worth airport, missing my original flight by about 10 minutes but making the new flight just barely - I was the second to last person on the plane. They were boarding stand-by passengers when I got to the gate. I flew from there to Charlotte, NC and then to Columbia, SC. Of course my bag with all of my uniforms was hours behind me on a plane from the original airline. I finally received it yesterday afternoon, thankfully.

So I was about 45 minutes late for the first briefing, but since I called ahead the Army was gracious and it was okay. Since Sunday afternoon it has been non-stop in-processing, paperwork, issuing of gear and learning about the Army. It has been very tiring but also very encouraging, as the men and women that have been working with us newbies are some of the most professional and squared-away people I have ever met.

That's it. Tomorrow starts very early. TTFN.


buddy said...

Hey Mikey, just wanted you to know that even if I am a non-believer I am still very proud of you for following your dreams and achieving your goals. Faith actually talked to me on the phone Monday and asked me if I was at home work or work work. She told me her mommy works at home and at work. She paused and then she said she works everywhere! Take care of yourself and watch those old man knees! Love ya, Buddy

DOD said...

Hi, B called tonight with your blog info. I didn't realize I had to sign up just to comment. But now I guess I'm a blogger.

She also gave me your mailing address so don't be surprised if you get a box of cookie crumbs.

Worked on tax stuff today due to inclement weather. Have to work in Carmichael and Fair Oaks tomorrow on storm clean up.

Hope they don't work you too hard. I know you will do well. Take care, love ya DOD