Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I originally set up this blog after reading The Blog of War. I was in the process then of joining the Army Reserve as a Chaplain Candidate and so was doing some research. I liked the idea of blogging to keep those who may care informed about me. Last week I found out my application was accepted for the Army, (professionally qualified for the Chaplain Candidate program I believe the official wording was).

It seems like ever since then, bad things have been happening in my life. I don't know if these are spiritual attacks, or just trials I need to go through to improve my character. Today my wife's cat (she's never really been mine) died at the age of 18 years. This is very depressing, as the cat has been in my wife's life longer than I have. I actually miss the cat. I know there is a season for everything and we should have expected it sooner than later but loss is still a difficult thing to deal with.